Pre-Event AGI-24 SingularityNET Ambassadors Program: Exploring the Future of AGI

LATAM @SingularityNET Community
6 min readAug 15, 2024

On August 7th, the online and synchronous event “Pre-Event AGI-24 SingularityNET Ambassadors Program” took place, designed to foster dialogue and collaboration among the SingularityNET Community around the world. The SingularityNET LATAM Community had an active participation; with its own designated Break-Out Room where a vibrant and passionate exchange took place about the benevolent and collaborative future development of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).


The event began with an introduction by Inés Gaviña, who highlighted the main ideas of techno-optimism and outlined the general perspectives of transhumanism. Inés emphasized how the techno-optimist vision sees technology as a means to overcome human limitations and how transhumanism promotes the idea that using technology can elevate humanity to new heights, improving life in all its aspects. This conceptual framework set the stage for the conversation that would follow, focused on the participation of a future collaborative AGI in human governance and decision-making.

First Round of Exchanges: AGI and Governance

The first round of exchanges began with a key question: How could a collaborative AGI participate in human governance?

Beatriz from PowerDADA was the first to speak, arguing that the real problem does not lie in AGI itself but in the contemporary socio-political and economic system. According to Beatriz, both capitalism and socialism, in their most extreme forms, have failed to respond to true human needs. Before advancing towards implementing AGI in governance, she argued, we should question whether the current system is truly aligned with human well-being. Additionally, Beatriz expressed concern about how blockchain technology, initially conceived to transform the world, has ended up being absorbed by extreme capitalism.

On the other hand, Chris Meniw presented a more critical view, asserting that humanity is not ready for AGI. In his opinion, ignorance prevails globally, and in regions like LATAM, the financial and educational lag is significant. Less than 1% of the world’s population is prepared to work on the technical aspects of the technology, which constitutes one of the biggest challenges in the next five years as we approach the development of AGI.

Guillermo Lucero raised a fundamental concern: Are we ready to listen to what AGI has to tell us? His question invited reflection on humanity’s ability to understand and accept the possible recommendations or decisions that an AGI might propose, especially in the context of global governance.

Finally, Ragacco brought a philosophical perspective, questioning whether democracy is truly the best system of governance. Citing Socrates, who argued that while democracy is the best system available, it is not ideal in the long run, Ragacco suggested the possibility of a “machine-emperor” that governs justly and equitably. This idea sparked reflection on the difference between the human perspective and that of a machine, and how AGI could become an ally in solving the complex challenges ahead.

Second Round of Exchanges: Human Connection in the Age of AGI

In the second round of exchanges, the conversation focused on the impact of digitalization and the advancement of machines on human connection and sensitivity.

Beatriz expressed concern that the progressive digitalization of modern life is disconnecting humans from the natural world and from each other. Technology, while having the potential to improve life, can also alienate people from their humanity and their most fundamental relationships.

In contrast, Ragacco emphasized the importance of social assistance provided by AI and future robotics. He pointed out that while we must be aware of the potential disconnections that technology can cause, it is also crucial to recognize how social robotics could substantially improve the quality of human life in the near future. This vision underscores the need to balance the ideal with reality, ensuring that technological development progresses in harmony with human needs.

Chris Meniw concluded this round by emphasizing the importance of finding human purpose in an increasingly digitalized world. He argued that the digitalization of life could lead to an indefinite extension of human life but warned that eternal life could be empty if a true sense of purpose is not found. Aligned with SingularityNET’s mission and vision, Chris also stressed the need to educate and train both AI and social robotics in the art and discipline of love and respect for all living beings.

Final Reflections

The “Pre-Event AGI-24 SingularityNET Ambassadors Program” proved to be an essential platform for the whole SingularityNET Community to explore and discuss critical issues related to the development of AGI. The passionate discussion reflected the community’s deep interest and concern about how AGI could influence governance, human life, and the connection between humans in the future.

As we move closer to the threshold of AGI, it is vital that these conversations continue and expand. The challenges and opportunities presented by AGI are immense, and only through dialogue, collaboration, and critical reflection can we ensure that this technological development aligns with human values and needs. The participation of the LATAM Community in this event not only underscores their commitment to the future of AGI but also their desire to actively contribute to building a more equitable and benevolent world, where technology is a tool for the common good.

In conclusion, the event was not only an opportunity for the exchange of ideas but also a reminder that the future of AGI is ultimately in our hands. As technology advances, the participation and commitment of communities like LATAM will be crucial to ensuring that AGI is developed collaboratively, justly, and aligned with the highest human ideals.

Acerca de SingularityNET
SingularityNET fue fundada por el Dr. Ben Goertzel con la misión de crear una Inteligencia General Artificial (AGI) descentralizada, democrática, inclusiva y beneficiosa. Una AGI no depende de ninguna entidad central, está abierta a cualquier persona y no está restringida a los objetivos limitados de una sola corporación o incluso de un solo país. El equipo de SingularityNET incluye ingenieros, científicos, investigadores, emprendedores y mercadólogos experimentados. Nuestro equipo principal de plataforma y AI se complementa además con equipos especializados dedicados a áreas de aplicación como finanzas, robótica, IA biomédica, medios, artes y entretenimiento.

Plataforma de IA Descentralizada | OpenCog Hyperon | Ecosistema | Alianza ASI

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